ABC_OKC 4.4.4 (ABC444_OKC_final0615) Maintenance release 4.4.4 for ABC440_OKC_final0611 Warning : Don't install ABC_OKC and ABC or LH-ABC in the same directory. If the files mfc90.dll, msvcr90.dll and msvcp90.dll are not in your windows\system32 directory ABC_OKC will not start and show some cryptic messages about configuration. So check your windows\system32 directory and if necessary get the missing dlls from my MissingDLLs folder and drop them into this directory and everything should be fine. ======================================================================================== Bugs fixed for this release ======================================================================================== - None ======================================================================================== New features and improvements for this release ======================================================================================== - There are new command line options -i, -r, -ra and -s which allow to have a running ABC_OK listening on an IP address to any command sent through a local network by a command line run on another PC. You can for instance remotely add a torrent from a distant PC to a listening ABC_OKC. - You must first install ABC_OKC on both PCs. - Then start the listening ABC_OKC (abc.exe) with the parameter -i followed by its IP address on your network. - Then on the distant PC start abc.exe with the parameter -r followed by the same IP address and the command line you wish to send to the listening PC. If you use -ra instead of -r, torrent files and magnets will be locally associated in Windows on the distant PC and will be automatically sent to the listening PC. If you want to associate (-ra) or remotely add a torrent file (not necessary for a torrent or magnet URL) you must also set a shared directory on the listening PC and use its share name with the -s option in the command line on the distant PC. Examples : On the listening PC with ip start ABC_OKC with : abc -i On the distant PC : To set mode auto on listening ABC_OKC : abc -r -m auto To set mode manual on listening ABC_OKC : abc -r -m manual To remotely add a magnet : abc -r -a "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:75CF4CE0014D91 502CD8D6D3E3AE60D0F39CF341&dn=MyMagnet" If you want to associate torrents and magnets on the distant PC or remotely add torrent files from this PC, first create a shared folder on the listening PC named for instance "Shared". Then on the distant PC : To remotely add a torrent file : abc -r -s Shared -a "abcd.torrent" To set associations with torrents and magnets : abc -ra -s Shared Then clicking on magnets or opening torrents after downloading in your Internet browser or double clicking on a torrent file on the distant PC will add this magnet/torrent in the listening ABC_OKC. - Various optimizations in data upload, data storage, choice of pieces to be downloaded, background space allocation. ======================================================================================== Minor improvements for this release ======================================================================================== - None ======================================================================================== Have fun !!