ABC_OKC 4.4.3 (ABC443_OKC_final0614) Maintenance release 4.4.3 for ABC440_OKC_final0611 Warning : Don't install ABC_OKC and ABC or LH-ABC in the same directory. If the files mfc90.dll, msvcr90.dll and msvcp90.dll are not in your windows\system32 directory ABC_OKC will not start and show some cryptic messages about configuration. So check your windows\system32 directory and if necessary get the missing dlls from my MissingDLLs folder and drop them into this directory and everything should be fine. ======================================================================================== Bugs fixed for this release ======================================================================================== - A regression bug introduced in 4.4.0 : Initializing a new torrent without tracker could cause a traceback. ======================================================================================== New features and improvements for this release ======================================================================================== - The Sparse1 background allocation mark is now also displayed in the progress field of the torrent list when the torrent is stopped or queued while the system background allocation is still running. There's also a warning if you try to delete a torrent in such a state. - In Preferences/Activity the parameter "Maximum number of extra torrents" has been replaced by "Maximum total number of started torrents". This way it no longer depends on the max number of active torrents. - A lot of simplifications in the way of indexing the torrent list. - Better handling for file handles. ======================================================================================== Minor improvements for this release ======================================================================================== - None ======================================================================================== Have fun !!