ABC_OKC 4.4.11 (ABC4411_OKC_final0622) Maintenance release 4.4.11 for ABC440_OKC_final0611 Warning : Don't install ABC_OKC and ABC or LH-ABC in the same directory. If the files mfc90.dll, msvcr90.dll and msvcp90.dll are not in your windows\system32 directory ABC_OKC will not start and show some cryptic messages about configuration. So check your windows\system32 directory and if necessary get the missing dlls from my MissingDLLs folder and drop them into this directory and everything should be fine. ======================================================================================== Bugs fixed for this release ======================================================================================== - None ======================================================================================== New features and improvements for this release ======================================================================================== - In previous releases, incomplete torrents which are uploading without downloading were counted as active downloading torrents. The problem is when these torrents keep on uploading for a long time and prevent other incomplete torrents from starting. To cope with this there was a parameter in Preferences/Limits (Max uploading time without downloading per torrent) to force these torrents to release activity and let other potentially downloading torrents start. In this release incomplete torrents uploading without downloading are no longer considered as active. You still may limit them in time with the parameter "Max time per torrent" and in rate with a new parameter "Max up rate per torrent" in Preferences/Limits. - Improvements for URM and DRM (Upload/Download Rate Maximizer) : When running, URM and DRM can start more torrents over the max number of active torrents to try to reach the max upload/download rates (and queue/on-hold some torrents if the rate comes too close to the max rates). There are now new parameters in Preferences/"Activity/DRM/URM" to set manual triggering rates instead of the max rates for these extra torrents. You can also set thresholds below trigger to stop the extra torrents to a negative number or even set stopping to 'never' by entering '-' in the data field. NB : When torrents start/stop there are delays before URM/DRM start extra torrents to let up and down rates find their cruising speed and assure the stability of regulation. There are also delays at startup before URM/DRM kick in. While a torrent is checking or allocating, extra torrents will be started only if they are in on-hold status. There were also some simplifications : - The URM no longer interacts with incomplete torrents to try to deal with their upload rate. - In Preferences/"Activity/DRM/URM" the parameters "DRM/URM can queue/on-hold only active torrents" and "DRM/URM can queue/on-hold only torrents with low priority" are now forced to ON status and are no longer tweakable. - In Preferences/"Activity/DRM/URM" a torrent turning back active may no longer queue back an inactive torrent. - In Preferences/Misc. you can now choose to switch to seeding mode when the disk is full. ======================================================================================== Minor improvements for this release ======================================================================================== - In the torrent list seconds are no longer displayed in the columns "seeding time" and "total seeding time". This could generate a lot of updates in a list with very many torrents for no real valuable information. - Added in file PreferredConf some screen captures of my current ABC_OKC configuration (running on a humble machine : Windows XP on Core2-duo, 4 GB memory). ======================================================================================== Have fun !!